Gumroad Creators List

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Gumroad Creators Part 1

Key Takeaways


Fifteen Gumroad content creators include Karen Stanley (Kazperstan), Luca Palmieri, esteparde2oficial, Glen Carabin, Maudmade, C Dynasty Online Studio, Forrest Brazeal, JustSketchMe, Aksinja La Paloma, Stag to Riches, Thang Do, Jamela Yahiaoui, Freds.Mods, itoolsbt, and audiolatry. Details of each company have been provided in the attached custom Google Spreadsheet.


Research Strategy

For this research on Gumroad creators, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain, including Gumroad, Rocket Research, Social Media sites, and others. In order to determine the size of the creators provided, we analyzed the most recent content published in each category on Gumroad. None of the content creators provided monthly or yearly earnings details, however, the number of products was available. We defined "small" as creators with less than 10 products for sale with under 100 reviews.

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Gumroad Creators Part 2

The available details of 13 additional small Gumroad creators have been provided in rows 17-29 of the attached spreadsheet. They include Elyse Gymer, Liyi Cheng (RightFont), Gus Tate, Timo Noack, Itsy Bitsy Writers, Julia Kamimura, Lisa Tankie, Tom Clohosy Cole, Melissa Diane, Vulthra, Pouya Saadat, Rebecca Caldwell, and Peter Kwon.


Elyse Gymer: 6 products
Liyi Cheng (RightFont): 5 products
Gus Tate: 1 product
Timo Noack: 1 product
Itsy Bitsy Writers: 7 products
Julia Kamimura: 2 products
Lisa Tankie: 7 products
Tom Clohosy Cole: 4 products
Melissa Diane: 1 product
Vulthra: 4 products
Pouya Saadat: 3 products
Rebecca Caldwell: 1 product
Peter Kwon, CPA: 2 products

Research Strategy

For this research on additional Gumroad creators, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain, including Gumroad, Artstation, social media sites, personal websites, and others. In order to determine the size of the creators provided, we analyzed different content published in several categories on Gumroad. None of the content creators provided monthly or yearly earnings details, however, the number of products was available. We defined "small" as creators with less than 10 products for sale with under 100 reviews.

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