Globally, how many people practice on road motorcycling, and what is the global market size for this sport?

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Globally, how many people practice on road motorcycling, and what is the global market size for this sport?

Hi there, and thank you for your request on the global market size and number of participants of on road motorcycling.

The short answer is that the motorcycling market is expected to reach a maximum of between US$93.7 billion and US$107.29 billion in 2017. The number of participants in the world is expected to add between 62.3 million and 132.4 million as of 2018 - however, the total number of participants in the market could go up to 3.15 billion worldwide.

I elaborate on my findings below.

In order to answer your query, I looked for numbers about the motorcycle market, both on-road and total, percentage of ownership around the world, and growth. Below you will find numbers from Freedonia Group, Lucintel, the US Department of Transportation, Pew Research, Statista, and Virginia Tech.

No study separates on-road from off-road - all surveys bundle them together, as pointed out by the Department of Transportation. However, it can be said that street or on-road motorcycles are enjoying a much faster growth than off-road motorcycles - which points at the majority of the motorcycle market to be on-road.

Please take into account that these numbers are estimations and should be taken as such.

The total market size of motorcycling varies slightly depending on the consultancy that is providing the figure - however, they coincide in that it reaches billions of dollars.

According to Freedonia Group, the global market is expected to readh US$120 billion by 2020, with a 3.8% CAGR. This would mean that the market would reach US$107.29 billion by 2017.

On the other hand, Lucintel reports that the market will reach US$93.7 billion in 2017, with a 4.9% CAGR - a different of 13.59 billion with the estimations of Freedonia. This estimations would point towards US$108.15 billion in 2020, a difference of 11.85 billion with the estimations of Freedonia.

According to Statista, in 2018 132.4 million motorcycles will be sold. Freedonia Group calculates that in 2020, there would be 113 million new motorcycles sold.

However, according to research by Virginia Tech, motorcycle users regularly ride between one and four bikes - with the average being 2.125. This would mean that as few as 62,305,882 new bikes would be purchased in 2018.

However, these new vehicles, which may be new purchases (adding new participants to the pool) or replacements (which would mean no new participants), should be taken into the context of the number of people who already ride motorcycles.

The percentage of the population that ride motorcycles varies wildly between countries - from over 80% in South Asian countries like Vietnam or Indonesia, to less then 15%, like the US, France or South Korea.

For the purposes of estimation, we will take the global median, which ranks at 45.5% - taken from the top percentage (Thailand, 87%) and the bottom (Jordan, 4%). Applied to the global population, this would mean that out of 6.98 billion people who live on earth, 3.17 billion people use motorcycles as of today, assuming that each market participant used their own vehicle, and owned only one.

To wrap up, motorcycling market is expected to reach a maximum of between US$93.7 billion and US$107.29 billion in 2017.

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