What is the global market-size (TAM) for the Presentations industry?

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What is the global market size for the presentations industry?

Hi! Thank you for your question about the global market size for the presentations industry.
In short, after searching extensively through Statista, Markets and Markets and similar reports as well as media articles, the statistics regarding the market size for the presentations industry is not available. We have estimated that the total number of users in the presentations industry is close to 126.32 million users. Microsoft PowerPoint dominates the market with 95% market share followed by other significant competitors being Keynote and Google Slides. I have provided a deep dive of my findings below.
After an extensive and thorough search, we were unable to calculate the market size of the presentations industry. However, we estimated the market in terms of number of users. There aren’t any freely available reports on the industry which may be due to the fact that it has not being studied widely as a distinct market. Most of the leading data providers such as Statista, Markets and Markets did not return any results.
Microsoft PowerPoint holds an estimated 95% share of the presentation software market with over 120 million people using PowerPoint. This estimate was published in 2016 however, and it is based on 2013 statistics. Therefore, we can calculate the total number of users as 120 million / 0.95 = 126.32 million users for the presentations industry. Microsoft PowerPoint is sold as a part of Office 365 package and no breakdown of revenues is provided by Microsoft. Another interesting data is that approximately 35 million presentations are given daily.
Lastly, in terms of competitors, Microsoft PowerPoint dominates the market with Keynote and Google Slides as the other notable players in the space. Aside from Microsoft PowerPoint, there are other presentation tools as well which are recommended such as CustomShow, ClearSlide, Haiku Deck, SlideDog and Prezi Business with strengths in specific areas.
To conclude, the total number of users in the presentations industry is close to 126.32 million users. Microsoft PowerPoint dominates the market with 95% market share followed by other significant competitors being Keynote and Google Slides.
I hope the research is useful. Thank you for using Wonder. Please let us know if we can help with anything else!

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