Georgia Government Restrictions on Overnight Lodging Facilities

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Georgia Government Restrictions on Overnight Lodging Facilities [2]

Key Takeaways


We have provided the government restrictions that applied to operators of hotels, motels, and overnight facilities in Georgia between January 1 and June 30, 2021. Details are below.

Government Restrictions in Georgia

  • Between January 1 and June 30, 2021, the state of Georgia released several executive orders with various restrictions, including those that applied to operators of hotels, motels, and overnight facilities in Georgia:

Empowering a Healthy Georgia Executive Order

  • On January 31, 2021, Governor Brian Kemp issued an executive order titled "Empowering a Healthy Georgia." The order contained several restrictions for various sectors that were to be in place from February 1, 2021, to February 15, 2021. Rules related to operators of camps (overnight ones included) and included the follows:
  • Where necessary, camps were required to limit groups to 50 or less, including those who were camping and workers, in spaces where everyone gathered could not maintain at least six feet between other people and themselves.
  • Camps were also prohibited from allowing unnecessary visitors to the camp facilities and activities.
  • In addition, camp organizers were to ask camp workers or campers to leave if they fell ill or provide an isolation area for sick campers or workers if they could not leave.
  • Finally, where possible, camps were required to keep the same campers and workers in the same group.

Additional Guidance on Empowering a Healthy Georgia

  • Governor Brian Kemp issued an executive order containing several restrictions for various sectors that were to be in place from February 16, 2021, to February 28, 2021. Restrictions relevant to organizers of conventions (including multi-day ones) included the following:
  • Convention organizers were to ensure ventilation systems operated effectively and increased circulation and purification of air within their facility as appropriate.
  • In addition, convention organizers were required to place signage at the front of the entrance to inform attendees diagnosed with COVID-19 that they were prohibited from entering the facility to participate in the event. Organizers were also required to isolate those with COVID-19 symptoms who could not leave immediately and ask those who could leave to do so.
  • Those attending the convention were to be requested to wear face masks, observe social distancing, and wash their hands regularly. Moreover, organizers were to carry out pre-registration for those taking part in seated events at the convention.

The Coastal Health District of Georgia's Law on Tourist Accommodations

Georgia Residential Landlord-Tenant Handbook

Research Strategy

To provide government restrictions that applied to operators of hotels, motels, and overnight facilities in Georgia between January 1 and June 30, 2021, we leveraged information from reputable sources, such as a list of the 2021 executive orders issued by Governor Kemp. Some restrictions in the orders were directed at specific sectors, while others were general restrictions that applied to critical infrastructure industries or non-critical infrastructure ones. We studied the restrictions and chose those that applied to operators of overnight facilities, such as hotels, camps, motels, and conventions.

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