Funds Investing in Violins

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Funds Investing in Violins

During the research, we were able to find two funds that invest in investment-grade violins. These funds are Cremona Capital and ACO Instrument Fund. Additionally, we came up across mentions of the Fine Violins Fund and the Artisan Rare Instrument Fund, but we could not ascertain whether these funds still exist since they lacked a website. Below a list of 3 funds that are investing in musical instruments globally has been provided.

Cremona Capital

  • The Cremona Capital website can be found here.
  • The fund invests in fine string instruments, violins, and cellos from the Italian masters.
  • Cremona Capital invests in fine violins because it is an asset class that is remarkably stable and extremely exciting from a cultural point of view.

ACO Instrument Fund

  • The website for Aco Instrument Fund can be found here.
  • The fund owns four stringed instruments. These instruments include the 1728/29 Stradivarius Violin, the 1616 Brothers Amati Cello, the 1714 Guarneri Violin, and the 1590 Brothers Amati Violin.
  • ACO Instrument Funds loans its instruments to the ACO to be used by its musicians.

The Guitar Fund

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