FAQ From Family Members of Addicts

of one

FAQ From Family Members of Addicts

Seven additional recurring themes for family members of addicts include enabling, medication assisted treatment, drug specific information, information about rehab, information about insurance, information about relapse, and information on rebuilding relationships with the former addict.


Medication Assisted Treatment

  • Many articles focus on whether medication assisted treatment works, and what types of medications are out there.

Drug Specific Information

  • Many family members are looking for information about specific substances which they believe their loved one is using, for example, information about signs of marijuana use or information on the health affects of hard drugs.
  • For example, this article titled "HOW CAN YOU TELL IF SOMEONE IS DOING HEROIN?" in the Recovery Connection blog focuses on the affects of heroin.
  • This article in Sober Nation entitled "The Warning Signs: Is It Time to Talk About Alcohol Treatment with a Loved One?" also illustrates the theme of loved ones looking for information on specific addictions.

Information about Rehab

  • The article titled "DOES OUTPATIENT ALCOHOL OR DRUG REHAB WORK?" by Recovery Connection also illustrates this theme.


  • Many loved ones are looking for information on how insurance can help them find treatment for a loved one.
  • Granite State Recovery Center's blog has a host of articles focused on insurance, highlighting different insurance companies and if they cover rehab.
  • This article, titled "A Glossary of Terms for Insurance Coverage for Substance Use and Addiction" by drugfree.org aims to provide information for parents on insurance terminology so they can navigate recovery treatment options for their children.


  • Many articles are focused on helping loved ones prevent release.
  • For example, this article by Cathy Taughinbaugh titled "How To Help Your Child Prevent Relapse" perfectly illustrates this theme.
  • Loved ones are also looking for help dealing with relapses and knowing what to do after a relapse, as illustrated by the article "What’s the Difference Between a Slip or Lapse and a Relapse?" by drugfree.org.

Rebuilding Relationships with the Addict in Recovery

  • Many articles focus on how family members can help rebuild relationships with the addict once the addict has entered into recovery.
  • For example, an article titled "Understanding Addiction: Reestablishing Trust with Loved Ones," published by Granite Recovery Centers, focuses on how family and friends of addicts can help rebuild trust with the addict once the addict has completed recovery.
  • Another article that illustrates this theme is from drugfree.org and is titled "What You Shouldn’t Expect When Your Child Is in Recovery."

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