of one
We are exploring a new food service at JFK airport. Please provide information regarding number of passengers in JetBlue Terminal 5 by time of day and any other information related to potential market size.
There are 2 JetBlue flights departing from Terminal 5 between 12:00AM and 05:59AM, and 66 between 16:00AM and 12:00PM. There are 39 JetBlue flights departing from Terminal 5 between 12:00PM and 05:59PM, and 40 flights between 06:00PM and 12:00AM. That brings a total of 147 flights per day.
JetBlue's fleet consists of: 130 Airbus A320s which have 162 seats, 14 Airbus A321s which have 200 seats, 11 Airbus A321 Mints which have 159 seats and 60 Airbus E190s which have 100 seats.
To get the average number of seats per flight, we first calculate the overall number of seats per each aircraft type.
Airbus A320: 130 x 162= 21,060 seats
Airbus A321: 14 x 200 = 2,800 seats
Airbus A321 Mint: 11 x 159 = 1,749 seats
Airbus E190: 60 x 100 = 6,000 seats
Total: 21,060 + 2,800 + 1,749 +6,000 =
The total number of airplanes is: 130+14+11+60 = 215
To get the average number of seats per flight we divide the total number of seats with the total number of airplanes:
31,609/215 = 147 seats
The average number of seats per flight is 147.
JetBlue shared that currently the percentage of seats filled on all flights is 82.5%. This means that the overall number of people taking each flight, if taken into account that on average each flight is filled 82.5%, is:
147 x 0.825 = 121,275 = 121 seats (people)
On average, there are 121 people boarding each JetBlue flight.
To make the data easy to read, we compiled the total passengers per hours departing from Terminal 5 in the attached spreadsheet.
The first column lists the time of the day, starting at midnight and ending at 11PM in one-hour intervals. The second column lists the number of flights departing in the one-hour time frame. The third column is the number of flights multiplied by the average number of people (121) on each JetBlue flight as calculated above.
We also list the total number of people departing by hour from Terminal 5 here:
12:00 AM = 0 people
1:00 AM = 0 people
2:00 AM = 0 people
3:00 AM = 0 people
4:00 AM = 0 people
5:00 AM = 242 people
6:00 AM = 1,331 people
7:00 AM = 2,178 people
8:00 AM = 1,331 people
9:00 AM = 1,331 people
10:00 AM = 1,210 people
11:00 AM = 605 people
12:00 PM = 605 people
1:00 PM = 363 people
2:00 PM = 1,210 people
3:00 PM = 726 people
4:00 PM = 968 people
5:00 PM = 847 people
6:00 PM = 726 people
7:00 PM = 847 people
8:00 PM = 968 people
9:00 PM = 605 people
10:00 PM = 968 people
11:00 PM = 726 people
This leads to a total of 17,787 people departing from JetBlue Terminal 5 each day.
On average, there are 121 people boarding each JetBlue flight. A total of 17,787 people departing from JetBlue Terminal 5 each day. The total passengers per hours departing from JetBlue Terminal 5 at JFK in the attached spreadsheet.