US Car Wash Market size

of one

US Car Wash Market size

Key Takeaways


This report analyzes the US car wash market size, including its value and CAGR, as well as the average revenue per car wash.

This is followed by insights regarding the US car wash industry, such as the types of car washes in the industry and their associated revenues, how the industry affects the environment, and how much water it uses in washing vehicles. While the associated revenue for each type of car wash in the US was unavailable in the public domain, including the water usage for the whole industry, we provided the estimated amount of water usage and revenue a single car wash can generate under each car wash category (type).

Further details on logic and calculations can be found in the research strategy section.

The US Car Wash Market Size

1. Market Size

2. Average Revenue Per Car Wash

  • As of 2022, there are 67,163 car wash and auto detailing businesses in the US.
  • The average revenue per car wash in the US is about USD 219,491 in 2020 [calculated - check the research strategy section for calculations].

Insights on the US Car Wash Industry

1. Types of Car Washes, With Their Associated Revenues

The most discussed types of car washes in the US include self-service car washes, automated car washes, and full-service car washes. Below is an in-depth overview of these washes, including their associated revenue.

[i] Self-Service Car Washes

[ii] Automated Car Washes

[iii] Full-Service Car Wash

Other Types of Car Washes

2. Environmental Impact

3. Water Usage

Usage of Water, Depending on the Car Wash Type

[i] Friction in-bay automatic

[ii] In-bay automatic wash

[iii] Tunnel car wash

Research Strategy

Market Size

To find the US car wash market size, including its CAGR and the average revenue per car wash, we used the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain, including IBIS World, First Research, and Grandview Research. These sources could provide the requested data. Below is how we calculated the average revenue per car wash.


  • The average revenue per car wash = [Total US car was market size [measured in revenue] in 2022/total number of car washes in the US in 2022]
  • Therefore, the average revenue per car wash = [USD 14,741,700,00/67,163] = USD 219,491 per car wash.


To find insights into the US car wash industry, we utilized various reputable sources in the public domain, including industry-related resources, such as Grand Pix Car Wash 1, Columbia Tire Auto, Buy Royce, and others. Also, we leveraged government databases like the Department of Environment and Planning. These sources could provide the requested insights. Unfortunately, we could not find the revenue generated by each type of car wash in the US and how much water is used by the US car wash industry as a whole. However, we could find the estimated water usage and revenue generated under a single car wash in each car wash category (type), i.e., full-service car wash, automatic car wash, and self-service car wash.

NOTE: For this research, we have utilized sources that date back more than 2 years because they have relevant information regarding this topic.

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