Professional Service Industry: Market Analysis

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Professional Service Industry: Market Analysis

Key Takeaways

  • The market size for the global engineering service industry was estimated at $830.48 billion in 2020.
  • The market is forecasted to reach $1,167.21 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 5.6%.
  • Tata Consulting Services, Capgemini, and Infosys are among the top players in the engineering service industry. They boast of a market share of 2.71%, 2.61%, and 1.66%, respectively.


We have provided an overview of the global engineering service industry. Specifically, we provided the market size, market projections, growth rate (CAGR), market drivers, restraints, and the top players in the industry by market share.

Global Engineering Service Industry — Market Size

Growth Drivers and Restraints

Major Players

Top Players in the Global Engineering Service Industry

Tata Consulting Services


  • The link to the company's website is provided herein.


  • The link to the company's website is provided herein.


HCL Technologies

Research Strategy

We scoured through the public domain to provide the market size, growth drivers, and the top global engineering service industry players. We leverage information from the most reputable resources, articles, market reports. Through this method, we were able to identify the information needed. To determine the 3 to 5 top players in the industry by market share, the research team leveraged information from 4 different reports (PRNewswire, Global News Wire, The Bussiness Research Company) and a list of the top 50 engineering service providers by Everest (for this list we focused on the top 10 by revenue). We compiled a list of 9 key players from all 4 reports. We went further to identify their respective revenue and calculate the market share from the industry's market size. Other top players by revenue include Alten: 1,395,225,000 euros, AFRY: 18,991 SEK million, and AVL: 1.7 billion euros. To determine the top companies in the industry, we focused on engineering service providers only. However, we were unable to provide a breakdown of the industry value by segment and competitive analysis of Fiver, Upwork, and Freelancer. The research team would require more time to provide the requested information.

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