Home Inspectors - US

of one

Home Inspectors - US

Key Takeaways


This research provides an overview of the home inspection market, including the average price for home inspections, the number of home inspections conducted throughout the United States, and the number of active home inspectors in the United States.

Home Inspection Prices

  • Resources across the board, including Realtor.com, BankRate, and Forbes, all state that inspections of larger properties cost more overall.

Number of Home Inspections

  • A pre-compiled figure of the number of home inspections conducted across the United States annually is not available in the public domain. We estimate that the number of home inspections performed on the sale of homes is 6,099,280. This figure does not include home inspections done by homeowners not looking to sell their homes and simply looking to maintain their property. In the research strategy below, there is a discussion as to how this figure was estimated.

Active Home Inspectors

  • Of the 9,914 home inspectors, 85.7% are males, and 14.3% are female.
  • The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors places the figure of home inspectors across all of North America as being close to 30,000 individuals. Of this, 25,000 are members of InterNACHI.
  • The US Bureau of Labor Statistics includes home inspectors in the larger category of building and construction inspectors and does not provide a breakdown of individual job types. The Bureau expects a 3% decline in all inspectors from 2020 to 2030.

Research Strategy

For this research on home inspections, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain, including business sources like Forbes and Realtor.com, governmental sources such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, market and industry reports (IBISWorld), as well as banks and lending agents.

To arrive at an estimate for the number of home inspections in the US for one year, we took the existing home sales and new home sales figures for 2021 and added these two numbers together. Based on the survey from Porch that stated 88% of home buyers had a home inspection done, we can come to a reasonable estimate for home inspections based on home sales. We feel that this number is accurate based on the 2012 statistics stating that there were about 5 million home inspections occurring every year at that time.
Existing Home Sales for 2021: 6,120,000
New Home Sales in 2021: 811,000
Total Home Sales in 2021: 6,120,000+811,000 = 6,931,000
Approximation of Inspections in 2021: 6,931,000 * 0.88 = 6,099,280

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