Global D2C Fashion Brands - Market Size

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Global D2C Fashion Brands - Market Size

Key Takeaways

  • Globally, there are currently an estimated 20,000 direct to customer (D2C) fashion brands, with this figure continuing to grow on a weekly basis.
  • Best estimates for the market size of the D2C fashion industry must be taken from the sales and revenue information for online fashion e-commerce.


  • Research into the market size of direct-to-consumer (D2C) fashion brands globally has revealed that significant information is not available in the public domain. No relevant studies, research of information was found regarding sales, revenue or value. It appears that there has been little study into this segment, and very little information has been made publicly available
  • It was determined that the most relevant information available concerned the fashion e-commerce industry. While this does not match the exactly requirements, as it considers resale as well as retail and third party sellers, this was the only information available which could provide any relevant context.


  • Total D2C e-commerce sales in the U.S. reached $111.5 billion in 2020. By 2021, D2C online sales are forecast to pass $129 billion.
  • As of mid 2021, there are an estimated 20,000 D2C fashion brands globally, according to a recent online article by the Boston Consulting Group. The article also reported that new brands were launching on a weekly basis.

Fashion E-commerce

  • The global fashion e-commerce industry was reported to be worth $531.25 billion in 2019. In the U.S. alone, the e-commerce fashion industry made up 29.5% of fashion retail sales, with the value of the U.S. market expected to reach $100 billion by 2021.
  • Statistics by DataFeedWatch show that in 2018 the industry generated a worldwide revenue of $481 billion, with this figure rising to $545 billion in 2019 and projections of $713 billion by 2022.
  • However, research from Statista suggested slightly higher global figures, of $533 billion in 2018. Their research indication the market was predicted to grow to $872bn by 2023.

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