Expert List: Sustainability, Kenya

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Expert List: Sustainability, Kenya

Nigeria has a host of experts who are skilled in agriculture, green energy, climate change, and youth empowerment fields. The profiles of Lucas Adeniji, mechanized farm and farm expansion expert, AgTech founder Okediji Ayooluwa, smart agriculturist Celestine Aguoru (who promotes its usage in preventing climate change), inventor and youth empowerment expert Okwudili Ogbuenyi, and green energy specialist Damilola Ogunbiyi are provided below.

Agriculture and Climate: Lucas Adeniji

Agriculture and Climate: Okediji Ayooluwa

  • Okediji Ayooluwa is the founder and current CEO of AgroInfoTech Africa, a company that maintains a portfolio of ICT4Ag brands for the purposes of engaging "smallholder farmers, agribusinesses, research institutions and other stakeholders across the agricultural value chain."
  • Okediji Ayooluwa was heavily involved in the founding of the first AgTech Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center and has been "appointed to the E-Agric Stakeholders Forum by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture".
  • He is a Fellow of the YouthActionNet, an initiative of the International Youth Foundation.
  • His life goal is "To pioneer platforms that will help millions of people live a meaningful life by adding 'the extra' to 'the ordinary'."

Agriculture and Climate: Celestine Aguoru

Community Sustainability: Okwudili Ogbuenyi

  • Okwudili Ogbuenyi is a leading inventor in Nigeria who is actively involved in speaking to and providing opportunities for Nigeria's youths.
  • He was presented with the award of Nigerian Youth Ambassador by the National Youth Council of Nigeria earlier in 2020. During the presentation, he urges the youths present to take the lead in their lives and set their own course to effectively change their country. "I sincerely believe the vision of a diversified Nigerian economy rests with youths."
  • Ogbuenyi is a former electrical engineer who left his job with a major international oil and gas company to become an inventor.
  • As a philanthropist, he runs free training workshops and provides scholarships to youths in Nigeria.

Community Sustainability: Damilola Ogunbiyi

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