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What contracts has Fremier Enterprises, Inc. celebrated?
The research team was able to identify three contracts between Fremier Enterprises and selected authorities in California from 2018 to the present. The authorities with contracts are: Transportation Authority of Marin, Sonoma County Transportation Authority, and San Francisco County Transportation Authority.
Research Strategy
For each agency, we looked for press releases, as well as reviewed the agency's website, minutes, and other published materials (such as lists of contracts, like this one for the Transportation Authority of Marin).
No contracts were found with the Solano Transportation Authority, Napa Valley Transportation Authority, Contra Costa Transportation Authority, Alameda County Transportation Commission (note, we found evidence that Connie Fremier, President of Fremier Enterprises, worked with the Alameda County Transportation Commission on the Project Controls Team during 2015), Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, San Mateo County Transportation Authority, City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Bay Area Toll Authority, Bay Area Infrastructure Authority, and Transbay Joint Powers Authority.
Following our search specifically by authority, we also looked for general contracts awarded to Fremier Enterprises, but did not find any additional info.
We also reviewed the LinkedIn activity of Fremier Enterprises President Connie Fremier to see if she had shared any of the firms achievements, but found no relevant results.