Educational Resources in Nashville, TN

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Educational Resources in Nashville, TN: List 1


This research provides information on active educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities in Nashville, TN. The requested details about the selected institutions and entities have been provided in Rows 2-20 of the attached spreadsheet. Selected findings from the spreadsheet are presented below.

Summary of Findings

Research Strategy

This research focused on providing information on active educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities in Nashville, TN. To find the requested information, we searched through company websites and college advising sheets. We also searched through reputable external sources such as Electrical School, Indeed, US News, and state resources like Apprenticeship TN, to find the requested information.

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Educational Resources in Nashville, TN: List 2


This research lists 15 additional active educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeships in Nashville that prepare people for manufacturing jobs. The institution name, program name, program description, type of program, program website, and program location are listed for each program provided. A complete record of the findings from this research was entered in rows 21 through 35 of the project spreadsheet. Details of the research strategy adopted for this research are available in the research strategy section below. Below are sample findings.

Sample Findings

Research Strategy

To answer this request, the research team started by finding technical education and training institutions, and companies that offered technical instruction programs in Nashville. We then checked the program syllabus of these institutions to identify and include those that offer programs that prepare their participants for careers in different areas of the manufacturing industry, such as mechatronics, welding, and electronics. To provide the required number of programs, the research team adjusted the geographical scope of programs to include those offered at locations within a 150-mile radius of Nashville, such as Cookeville. We also ensured that each entry was unique, that is, no duplicates of previous findings were made.
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Educational Resources in Nashville, TN: List 3


This research provides information on 10 more active educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities in Nashville, TN. The requested details about the selected institutions and entities have been provided in Rows 36-51 of the attached spreadsheet. Selected findings from the spreadsheet are presented below.

Summary of Findings

  • Tennessee Tech offers a 4-year degree course in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  • The Industrial Maintenance Mechatronics Technician program at Chattanooga State Community College allows students to gain skills in "installation, troubleshooting, and repair of industrial equipment and machinery." This is a marketable course that allows students to be assured of placement in the job market and earn approximately $44,755 annually. The college offers day and evening classes, but the maximum number of students per class is 20.
  • The Austin Peay State University offers a 4-year degree course in Engineering Technology: Concentration Mechanical Engineering Technology. This program is ideal for military and/or industrial workers who want hands-on learning that will allow them to gain new opportunities. It is also suitable for students and employees with limited math skills but value practical learning that can help advance their careers. According to the institution's website, the degree should help graduates enhance their skills in problem-solving, making plans, and creating effective and efficient systems.

Research Strategy

To find the requested information, we started by searching for technical education and training institutions, and companies that offered apprenticeships and technical instruction courses in Nashville. We thereafter searched through the program syllabus of the identified institutions to include those that offer manufacturing-related programs. To provide the required number of programs, the research team adjusted the geographical scope of programs to include those offered at locations within a 150-200-mile radius of Nashville, such as Cookeville and Kimball.

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Educational Resources in Nashville, TN: Details 1


Much of the requested information for the assigned educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities for manufacturing careers in Nashville, Tennessee, has been entered into rows 2 through 11, columns G through N of the attached spreadsheet. Most of these listed programs require participants to be students. Please note that information regarding costs was largely unavailable for several of the programs, certificates, and apprenticeships. A brief overview of the findings from the research has been presented in the area below.

Selected Findings

  • Eric Reynolds serves as the curriculum chair of the Mechatronics Department at Motlow State Community College, where the Mechatronics Technology (A.A.S.) is offered. Reynolds' phone number is listed as being 931-438-0028 (ext 3008). Meanwhile, Reynolds' email address is listed as being
  • Tuition and fees for the Welding Technology program offered at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Nashville totals around $6,770 for the 12 months. In addition, the costs for textbooks and supplies for the program are estimated at $4,724.
  • The Machine Tool Technology program at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology - Nashville lasts approximately 16 months.

Research Strategy:

To provide the requested details for the assigned educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities for manufacturing careers in Nashville, Tennessee, we leveraged some of the most reputable sources available in the public domain. Our primary source of information was the website of the listed educational programs, certificates, and apprenticeships, which contained details such as the contact name/information and program length, along with some data on prerequisites. However, we had to expand to the department and company/organization website, as some details were unavailable through the program webpage/website, such as the program costs and prerequisites. Additionally, we reviewed any available program brochures, guides, application forms, or similar for relevant details. Furthermore, we conducted a general search through the public domain for the missing information. While we were able to determine prerequisites, we were unable to find the cost for some of the the programs. It is possible that contacting the admissions office, director/coordinator, school/organization, or departments responsible for the programs may yield information regarding their cost. This information may also be made available by filling out the online applications for the programs.
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Educational Resources in Nashville, TN: Details 2


This research provides the details of previously identified educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities for manufacturing careers in Nashville, TN. The requested details have been provided in rows 12-21, columns G-N of the attached spreadsheet. Selected findings from the spreadsheet are presented below.

Summary of Findings

Research Strategy

This research focused on providing further details on previously identified active educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities in Nashville, TN. To find the requested information, we searched through company websites, school directories, and the LinkedIn profiles of some college employees to find the requested information. We also searched through reputable email finders, such as Apollo, to find some email addresses.
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Educational Resources in Nashville, TN: Details 3


Much of the requested information for the assigned educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities for manufacturing careers in Nashville, Tennessee, has been entered into rows 22 through 29, columns G through N of the attached spreadsheet. Most of these listed programs do not appear to have educational or general prerequisites for participants. Please note that information regarding costs was largely unavailable for several of the programs, certificates, and apprenticeships. A brief overview of the findings from the research has been presented in the area below.

Selected Findings

  • Johannah Williams serves as the Dean of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics at Nashville State Community College, making Williams the contact person for the Industrial Maintenance Mechanic Technical Certificate at the institution. The email address for Williams is listed as on the program website.
  • The Diesel Powered Equipment Technology certification program at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology is a 20-month program, according to the website.
  • Using the Net Price Calculator that is available to students and parents, it is estimated that the cost to tuition for the Automotive Technology Training at Nashville Lincoln College of Technology (Lincoln Technical Institute) is around $31,954, while the overall cost is estimated at $58,356.

Research Strategy:

To provide the requested details for the assigned educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities for manufacturing careers in Nashville, Tennessee, we leveraged some of the most reputable sources available in the public domain. Our primary source of information was the website of the listed educational programs, certificates, and apprenticeships, which contained details such as the contact name/information and program length, along with some data on prerequisites. However, it was necessary of us to expand to the department and company/organization website, as some details were unavailable through the program webpage/website, such as the program cost and prerequisites. Additionally, we reviewed any available program brochures, guides, application forms, or similar for relevant details. Furthermore, we conducted a general search through the public domain for the missing information.

While we were able to determine prerequisites, we were unable to find the cost for some of the the programs. The only information we could find was the overall cost of tuition and fees for the school organization (Nashville State Community College, Volunteer State Community College, and Tennessee Tech). It is possible that contacting the admissions office, director/coordinator, school/organization, or departments responsible for the programs may yield information regarding their cost. This information may also be made available by filling out the online applications for the programs.

To obtain the cost of tuition for the Automotive Technology Training at Nashville Lincoln College of Technology (Lincoln Technical Institute), we utilized the site's provided Net Price Calculator using the following details:

1) Campus = Nashville Lincoln College of Technology
2) Program = Automotive Technology Program
3) No financial aid
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Educational Resources in Nashville, TN: Details 4


The requested details regarding the previously identified educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities for manufacturing careers in Nashville, TN, listed in rows 30-37, have been provided in the attached spreadsheet. Below are the selected findings and a brief research strategy used to search for data.

Selected Findings

Research Strategy

To find the details of the previously identified educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities for manufacturing careers in Nashville, TN, we utilized some of the most reputable sources available in the public domain. We commenced our search by going through the website pages of the listed programs, and where necessary, we expanded to the overall website of the organization/college/university. Here, we could find the names and contact details of individuals dealing with admissions, costs, length, and prerequisites of the assigned programs. If some requested information was unavailable on the programs' websites, we expanded our search to third-party sources, such as Tech Labs.

Note: Where we could not find the prerequisites for a program, we provided the requirements needed to get admitted into that organization offering the course.
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Educational Resources in Nashville, TN: Details 5


This research provides the details of the assigned educational programs, certificates, or apprenticeship opportunities for manufacturing careers in Nashville, TN. The requested details have been provided in rows 38-51, columns G-N of the attached spreadsheet. Selected findings from the spreadsheet are presented below.

Selected Findings

  • Tennessee Tech's Mechanical Engineering program costs $10,544 per semester for in-state students and $12,644 per semester for out-of-state students.
  • Chattanooga State Community College's Industrial Electricity program is a one-year program that costs $5,549.
  • Chattanooga State Community College's Industrial Maintenance Mechatronics Technician program is a one-year program that costs $6,199.

Research Strategy

For this research on Educational Resources in Nashville, TN, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information available in the public domain, including institution websites and school directories.

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