of one
Decreasing Employee Turnover
The research team has curated a listing of research, surveys, reports and other statistics that quantitatively substantiate the assertions that early peer mentoring and training, over-communicating with workers, empowering employees and encouraging accountability are positively correlated with improved employee retention and turnover. Although priority was placed during this research on only the most recent, credible sources, quantitative information concerning the requested subjects was somewhat limited in the public domain. As such, more dated information was included as appropriate to add robustness to the provided listing. In particular, hard data linking the relationship between accountability and employee turnover was scarce, however the research team provided two somewhat dated but relevant research studies for review as desired.
Early Peer Mentoring & Training
- A research study conducted by Colorado-based mentoring software provider River indicated that peer mentoring programs in general have a significant, positive impact on turnover and other related employee retention factors, specifically:
- 83% of mentoring program participants reported that the experience "positively influenced their desire to stay at their organization."
- 94% of respondents stated that peer mentoring programs demonstrate an "organization’s commitment to provide career options and opportunities."
- 89% indicated that participation in a peer mentoring program better "allowed them to contribute to the success of their company."
- 90% of mentoring participants reported that it "helped them develop a positive relationship with another individual in the company."
- In particular, the American Society on Aging and the National Council on Aging found that healthcare "facilities with a mentoring program improved retention rates over three months from an average of 59% at baseline to 84% after the implementation of the mentoring program."
- Consistent with these findings, Grand Rapids-based Grand Village nursing facility implemented a 90-day peer mentoring program for their hourly workforce. Although the program initially struggled to find peer mentors who were willing to assume the additional responsibility, a $1 per hour increase in pay attracted sufficient peer mentors. Notably, the program increased hourly retention rates for the first 90 days to 86% in 2017 compared with 78% in 2016 and reduced turnover for nursing assistants in particular by 20%.
- More dated research (2014) from US-based Christian Living Communities assisted living facilities reported that its new employee peer mentoring program improved retention rates to 90% from 45%.
- Other dated research (2005) from the Foundation for Long Term Care indicated that the Growing Strong Roots peer mentoring program increased hourly retention rates by 25% on average, with some participating organizations improving turnover rates by as much as 41%.
- California-based workplace solutions company Social Chorus reported that organizations that communicate regularly in the form of recurring employee feedback enjoy a 14.9% lower turnover rate.
- In parallel, an analysis conducted by Seattle-based corporate survey provider TINYpulse indicated that employees who feel recognized for their work are much less likely to interview for a job at a different company than those who don't receive similar communications (12.4% versus 21.5%).
- A separate study by American employee engagement company O.C. Tanner found that 79% of workers who leave their jobs cite "lack of appreciation" as their reason for quitting, while A Better Leader reports that 77% of workers are looking for recognition in the form of regular feedback.
- Meanwhile, TINYpulse also highlighted the importance of two-way communication, given that its survey found that employees are 16% less likely to stay at a company if they aren't able/comfortable giving upward feedback.
- Corroborating this finding, US-based recruitment company BuiltIn reported that companies that communicate regularly with employees through employee feedback forums experience 14.9% less turnover.
- US supermarket company Wegman's attributes its low employee turnover rate of 7% (versus the average retail employee turnover rate of 59%) to the "high levels of employee autonomy around decision-making" that are built into its culture and processes.
- Similarly, American supermarket Trader Joe's enjoys a very low turnover rate for the industry (10%), in part because it gives workers the "freedom to make decisions."
- Shiftboard's 2019 State of the Hourly Worker survey of 2,000 American employees revealed that almost all (87%) of hourly workers "believe feeling challenged at work is important for job satisfaction."
- Meanwhile, Deloitte found that companies that empower their workforce through employee recognition programs enjoy a 31% lower voluntary turnover rate.
- Entrepreneur corroborated these findings by reporting that organizations that have a “high-recognition” of their employees experience a 31% lower turnover rate.
- Additionally, Social Chorus reported that employees are 5 times more likely to stay at a company if they receive "consistent recognition of their good work by their managers."
Accountability through Coaching, Mentoring & Training
- Current, credible research that quantifies the association between accountability and employee turnover does not appear to exist in the public domain, as indicated by an extensive review of academic journals, employer case studies, human resources trade publications and articles by experts on hiring and retention.
- Notably, the preponderance of available information related to accountability as a means to improve hourly employee retention offers only discussion and/or qualitative information.
- However, within the time constraints of this research project, the research team located two dated reports which provide some evidence to substantiate the relationship between accountability and turnover:
- A dated research study (1987) published in the Journal of Health Progress found that a "comprehensive program to improve nurses' professional accountability" in various Arizona-based nursing facilities reduced the turnover rate of participating hourly employees from 15.2% to 5.4%.
- Similarly dated (2008) research found that turnover rates "decreased" when teachers in New York State were held accountable through state-mandated testing.