Industry Awards Programs

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Industry Awards Programs

Information has been provided below for the Telly Awards, Euromoney Awards for Excellence, The Oil & Gas Council Annual Awards and the Global Telecoms (Glotel) Awards, which are all industry-specific awards.

Telly Awards

Euromoney Awards for Excellence

The Oil & Gas Council Annual Awards

  • A trophy is given to winners to recognize their wins.

Global Telecoms (Glotel) Awards

Research Strategy

In order to identify five more industry specific awards, we looked through the top companies globally and identified which awards these companies have won. We got our top companies from the Fortune 500 list. After identifying the different industry-specific awards, we selected those that had enough information for the different areas specified.

We were not able to get information on all the ten specified areas for the awards that we found. After looking through the Telly Awards and Euromoney Awards of Excellence websites and related media sources, we were not able to find information on the advisory board and the value that sponsors receive. We only found information on judges and partners.

For the Oil & Gas Council Annual Awards and the Global Telecoms Awards, we were not able to find information on the advisory boards and how they market their awards. We could only find information on judges and sponsors.

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