Certificate of Need Submissions for MRI/CT - NY

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Certificate of Need Submissions for MRI/CT - NY

Key Takeaways:

  • Only nine hospitals in New York City (NYC), Long Island, and Westchester County have submitted Certificates of Need (CON) for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or computed tomography (CT) systems/machines in the last two years.
  • Brookdale Hospital Medical Center, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, Interfaith Medical Center, and University Hospital of Brooklyn are the hospitals in NYC that made submissions recently.
  • Plainview Hospital and St Francis Hospital are the hospitals in Long Island that also made submissions within the past two years.


  • Although the research team could not find 10 hospitals that fit all the criteria, this report provides a list of nine hospitals in New York City (NYC), Long Island, and Westchester County that have submitted a CON for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or computed tomography (CT) systems/machines in the last two years. We also expanded the scope and searched for hospitals that submitted their CON slightly beyond the two-year time frame. The additional example (i.e., older than 24 months) has been entered in row 11 of the attached spreadsheet.
  • It is not possible to provide links to specific pages within the New York State (NYS) Department of Health database, therefore screenshots of relevant content have been included in this Google doc. Below is a brief overview of the findings, as well as an explanation of the methodology used.

Selected Findings

  • Northern Westchester Hospital, located in Northern Westchester Hospital, submitted a CON to replace existing CT and MRI equipment on February 2, 2021.
  • St. Joseph's Medical Center, located in Northern Westchester Hospital, submitted a CON to replace a CT scanner on April 21, 2022.
  • Nassau University Medical Center, located on Long Island, submitted a CON to acquire a new MRI machine on April 21, 2022. This application was made slightly beyond the 24-month limit.

Research Strategy

To provide the requested information, we leveraged the search engine by the NYS E-Certificate of Need (NYSE-CON). We used this engine because the NYS Department of Health states that the NYSE-CON database is the only government source to search CON applications submitted post-November 2010. Below is a screenshot of a search for CT equipment on Long Island.
Note that the results do not show the date of submission. However, the first two digits of the project number indicate the year. For example, project number 211029 means that it was submitted in 2021. Therefore, submissions made in 2022, 2021, and 2020 are those starting with 22, 21, and 20, respectively.

Certificate of Need submissions with relevant dates that were not included in the spreadsheet do not focus on MRI/CT systems or machines specifically, instead being for renovations or other construction to accommodate such equipment. Therefore, we had to resort to providing one example beyond the 24 months timeframe.

The submission described in Row 10 is for "adding a CT scanner." It was deemed relevant, as it requires acquiring the machine (similar to applications that clearly state the need for acquisition or focus on replacement of such equipment). The assumption was further backed by the fact that the overall cost of the project (included in the screenshots) is similar to the costs of other listed projects.

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