of one
AI Spending
Key Takeaways
- In 2022 South Korea will invest 5.9 trillion won for the development of data and AI technologies.
- The AiNed programme in the Netherlands has a total investment of EUR 2.1 billion over the period 2021-2027, of which the public sector contribution is EUR 1.05 billion.
- In late 2020, Israel announced a five-year AI program to be funded by the Israel Innovation Authority in the amount of US$ 1.55 billion.
- In 2020, the UK announced a budget increase of $21.8 billion for defense spending, with AI one of the targets of the spend.
In the attached spreadsheet, report below, current public sector spending on AI, current defense spending on AI, and forecasted public sector spending on AI is presented for several countries. Please note that publicly available data for all three categories was not available for several countries. Particularly for the defense spend on AI, data for this category was largely publicly unavailable for most of the countries requested. The strategy employed to source the information is provided in the Research Strategy section below. Below we provide a brief summary of the forecasted spend for three countries as a sample of the data included in the attached spreadsheet.
AI Spending
- In its budget for 2021, the Canadian government committed to providing the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy with funding of over CAN $443.8 million over a ten-year period from 2021 to 2031.
- The National AI strategy for Denmark has allocated EUR 5 million for 24 initiatives over the period 2019-2027.
- In November 2021 the French Higher Education, Research and Innovation Minister, Mr. Frédérique Vidal announced at the “France is AI” event that the French Government planned to invest EUR 2.2 billion in AI initiatives as part of the France 2030 framework.
- In 2022 South Korea will invest 5.9 trillion won for the development of data and AI technologies.
- The AiNed programme in the Netherlands has a total investment of EUR 2.1 billion over the period 2021-2027, of which the public sector contribution is EUR 1.05 billion.
- In late 2020, Israel announced a five-year AI program to be funded by the Israel Innovation Authority in the amount of US$ 1.55 billion.
- In 2020, the UK announced a budget increase of $21.8 billion for defense spending, with AI one of the targets of the spend
Research Strategy
For this research on ABC, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain, including from government websites, the OECD AI Policy Observatory, and the European Commission.
For all three elements of the research (current, defense, and forecasted spend) the research began with an examination of the government websites for each country. If the data was not found there, the search continued to the websites of the OECD and the European Commission. These resources were prioritized for most of the countries because the content will be reflective of government reporting directly into the OECD and the European Council. If no information was found, the team then approached business publications such as Jane's and Defense Weekly for the defense element, and then general business publications such as Bloomberg, Forbes, and CNN for the remaining two.