Companies Supporting Children's Literacy in Selected US Cities

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Companies Supporting Children's Literacy in Selected US Cities

A list of 30 companies that support children's literacy and education in the United States can be found in this spreadsheet.

Research Strategy

To locate companies that support children's literacy programs, we searched for companies headquartered in or near the specified areas (Knoxville (TN), Atlanta (GA), Chicago (IL), Dallas (TX), Detroit (MI), Los Angeles (CA), Miami (FL), New York (NY), San Francisco (CA), Washington DC, and Cincinnati (OH)) for companies that donated to child literacy programs. The companies listed in the spreadsheet all contribute towards child education programs, which the research team safely construed to also include literacy programs.
While we only listed a few companies per city, the research team believes additional research might yield additional companies in these cities that donate to children's literacy and education initiatives.

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