Companies Developing Custom Computer Vision Solutions

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Companies Developing Custom Computer Vision Solutions

Key Takeaways


This research provides an overview of six companies that develop custom computer vision solutions. These companies include Always AI, Chooch, Mosaic Data Science, Visionify, CVisionLab, and Oxagile. Each organization includes a link to the official site, an overview of the company itself, some of the outstanding products/services offered, as well as brief information on clients and case studies.

Always AI

  • Always AI is located in San Diego, CA, and specializes in providing a "comprehensive platform for building, deploying, and managing computer vision applications on IoT devices." The company was founded in 2018 by Marty Beard and Steve Griset. In addition to providing custom computer vision deployments, the company has created Prism, a series of video lectures explaining computer vision and its applications in practice.
  • The company has a catalog of pre-trained machine learning models for object detection, classification, pose estimation, and semantic segmentation. In addition to building apps and APIs, Always AI also supports Raspberry PI boards among other edge devices.
  • Always AI offers an interactive ROI calculator for the retail, transportation, and manufacturing industries for clients to see the potential benefits of its custom computer vision deployments.
  • The company has partnered with NVIDIA, EyeCloud / OpenNCC, Arm AI, Qualcomm, and Hailo.
  • Always AI seeks to remove the barriers to computer vision by developing solutions that hide the complexity of CV technologies. It provides a variety of sample projects to help companies get started in CV, including the following.
    • Spatial AI: This CV project is based on Python and Apache and utilizes both machine learning and geometric data from sensors to enable drones, autonomous vehicles, and robots to better understand and navigate the terrain and objects around them.
    • Snapshot Security Camera: The project is a starter app for security implementations that takes a picture each time a new person enters the frame. The code is built on the Python language and Apache framework.
    • Posture Corrector: This project provides specific suggestions for improving posture by providing an audible alert. It too is
  • Evolectric is a technology company that specializes in electrified transportation and battery technology. The company is working along with Always AI to use computer vision to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles. The initial work done by Always AI focuses on providing computer vision technology to enable the rapid electrification of vehicles in California as well as major Latin American cities.
  • DTiQ is "the world's leading provider of next-generation video intelligence, analytics, and managed video services for restaurants, convenience stores, and specialty retailers." It is now working with Always AI in order to deliver cutting-edge video analytics in order to detect and track individual customers with the goal of improving end-to-end operational efficiency.


  • Chooch is named the winner of the 2022 Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards by the Business Intelligence Group. The company creates solutions that allow machines to understand visual data and be able to predict in ways similar to humans.
  • Responding to the award, the CEO of Chooch, Emrah Gultekin said, "We’re gratified by this award from the Business Intelligence Group and their first Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards program. Computer vision is a fundamental part of our digital future. AI technology will be a key technology for future competitive advantages and the Business Intelligence Group recognized how the Chooch AI computer vision platform is delivering significant business value to a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, retail, industrial, oil and gas, media, as well as safety and security."
  • Chooch offers custom deployable AI models, Edge AI, a customized cloud dashboard with access to 200,000 public visual AI classes, facial authentication with liveness detection using 512 biometric features, Covid-19 products, and more.
  • Some of Chooch's partners and customers are Dell, Convergint Technologies, AWS Partner Newtwork, the US Air Force, Intel, Vantiq, Strongarm Tech, Nvidia, Lenovo, and more companies.

Mosaic Data Science

  • The company offers support on AI and ML projects and allows organizations to rent a data scientist. It functions in the fields of manufacturing, consumer packaged goods, oil and gas, utilities, healthcare, and more.
  • Mosaic worked with a utility provider in order to develop and deploy a computer vision model for automatic asset recognition and inspection analysis. The end result of the work is that images can now be provided for automatic tagging and inspection as well as the isolation of components that might need to be replaced or repaired.
  • Mosaic has written a white paper on the utilization of AI automation for quality management in product packaging. The focus of the paper revolves around the need for machines to understand and process a mindbogglingly large amount of data that includes multiple languages and images. It explains how Mosaic Data Science uses CNNs and other deep learning neural networks to train computers to process and understand all of the information.
  • The company boasts an enormous list of customers from the fields of Healthcare, Retail, Logistics, Technology, and more. These include the Children's Hospital of Colorado, REI, Wendy's, AARP, Alliant Energy, just to name a few.


  • Visionify provides full-stack computer vision solutions with the mission of improving organizational processes and efficiency by means of computer vision and AI. The company is based in Denver, CO, and builds custom solutions based on computer vision and deep learning algorithms. It has been awarded one of the top software development companies in Colorado.
  • A testimonial appears in repeated locations across Visionify's website by Dustin Dickinson from Pilgrim's Inc that says, "Visionify team helped build pilot solution and models for us using both visible and IR cameras. The pilot process was quick and insights this system is generating is invaluable. We are quickly expanding this solution to the rest of the organization."


  • CVisionLab implemented a computer vision algorithm for scanning and measuring medical images. The company states that after implementing their solution, the waiting time for their client's services decreased "from several days to several seconds."


  • Previous clients include the Discovery Channel, MIT Management Sloan School, Thomson Reuters, Vodafone, Google, Cardiff University, and more. Brian Adams, the Group Product Manager at Google, said, "I look forward to working with them again in the future! The Oxagile team was essential to the success of Admeld. I’ve always been impressed by their engineering skills as well as their ability to suggest alternatives or give hard problems a fresh perspective. They really care about their work and that was clear every day. It never felt like we were working with a “vendor”, Oxagile was part of our team. I look forward to working with them again in the future."
  • Computer vision is among the core competencies of Oxagile. Within this field, it offers expertise in image & video analysis, facial recognition, biometrics, and medical image analysis.
  • A recent project completed by Oxagile involved producing software that would check for a client how many employees were in each area and also identify if people were properly wearing masks and observing physical distancing rules. Included in this project were precise face detection systems, face mask recognition, body temperature determination, and object detection and tracking.

Research Strategy

For this research on custom computer vision solutions, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information that were available in the public domain, including Accenture, Deloitte, Forbes, along with Data Science specific websites such as Towards Data Science and MIT's Computer Vision news website. It is a normal practice not to reveal a client or customer's name in case studies, and many of the companies researched above follow this practice of retaining their customers' names. Where possible, we have still drawn attention to specific computer vision case studies or products provided by the individual organizations. Research was also conducted across LinkedIn and various press releases to ensure the validity of testimonials and clients.

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