What are the most common fonts to use among tech companies for 1.company name 2. website content

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What are the most common fonts to use among tech companies for 1.company name 2. website content

Hello! Thanks for your question about the most popular fonts to use for a tech company's name and its web content. The short version is that the three most popular tech logo fonts are Proxima Nova, Rational TX, and FF DIN. The three most popular web content fonts are Futura, Apercu, and Gotham. Below you will find a deep dive of my findings.



Proxima Nova font was created in the United States in 2005 by Mark Simonson. According to Simonson, Proxima Nova is a sans-serif style font that lies between Futura and Akzidenz-Grotesk. It balances modern proportions and classic geometry. It is used by major brands like Spotify, BuzzFeed and Twitter music. This is a logo font that is suitable for businesses that use a lot of social media or want a hip internet presence.


Rational TW was created in Germany in 2016 by Rene Bieder. Its style is sans-serif and monospace. Rational TW is the typewriter (TW) extension of the Rational type family. Bider says that Rational TW combines gothic elements from the US and Switzerland. Because it is a monospace font, it is very legible and versatile. This is most evident in the curls of the letters “t”, “i,” and “l.” This logo font is suitable for computer-related businesses.


This font was created in 1995 by Erik Spiekermann for the foundry FontFont. It is a best-selling typeface that helped modernize san-serif design. By extending circular elements into geometric ovals it cuts off letterforms in unexpected and pleasing ways. This font is an alternative to Helvetica. It has a welcoming feel that looks modern and current. Everpix, an online photo storage service, and Rechner, a gesture-based calculator, use FF DIN for its web app.



Based on font usage data from 365 websites in 2015, Typewolf believes that Futura is the most popular web font of that year, and this by a landslide. There were twice as many sites using the font as second place. Futura is available on Typekit, and this might be a contributing factor to its popularity. It was created in 1927 by the German type designer Paul Renner. It is a geometric sans-serif typeface that has remained popular since its release. It is often used by two known film directors: Wes Anderson and Stanley Kubrick.


According to Typewolf, Apercu is the second most popular typeface of the web. It was created in 2010 by Colophon, an independent type foundry in the UK. It is a grotesque sans-serif typeface that is different from other grotesques because its design is full of quirks. It is available in four weights--light, regular, medium and bold. In late 2015, Norwegian Air rebranded using the Aperçu typeface.


Gotham is one of the most iconic typefaces of recent years. It was created by Tobias Frere-Jones and released by H&FJ ( known today as Hoefler & Co.) in 2000. It is a geometric sans-serif typeface that uncharacteristically feels American, rather than Swiss or German. It was inspired by architectural lettering from 20th century New York City. The font was used in Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and in countless corporate brands, and it continues to be popular on the web. It comes in eight weights: thin, extra light, light, book, medium, bold, black and ultra.


It is important for the font of the company's name to combine with the font of the website's content. In this website you will find a list of font-pairing tools. Traditionally sans-serifs have performed better than serifs on computer screens due to their simpler structure, but according to Typewolf improved technology will allow serifs to make a comeback on the web.


To wrap it up, the three most popular tech logo fonts are Proxima Nova, Rational TX, and FF DIN. The three most popular web content fonts are Futura, Apercu, and Gotham. Thanks for using Wonder! Please let us know if we can help with anything else!

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