of two
Certified Annual Reports: Oak Park & Evanston
Oak Park, Illinois net position for 2017 decreased by $1,487,759 and increased by $9,267,287 in 2019. City of Evanston's 2019 net position increased by $24,108,172 from FY 2018 and revenues from governmental activities increased by $6,359,434 or 4.7% from FY 2018.
Oak Park Annual 2017 Report
Net Position
- The total net position of Oak Park in 2017 fell by $1,487,759 or 39.4% from the starting balance of $3,778,536 in the fiscal year to the ending balance of $2,290,777 because of a combined increase in liabilities greater than the increase in assets.
- The governmental activities net position decreased by 6.9% or $5,535,474 to $85,856,030 due to increased in liabilities compared to assets.
- According to the 2017 annual report, the business-type activities net position increased by 4.8% or $4,047,715 to $88,146,807 mainly from an increase in capital assets.
Other Activities
- Revenues from governmental activities amounted to $81,947,225 a 7.2% or $5,510,354 increase from 2016.
- Government activity expenditures totaled $88,405,539 which is a decrease of $4,360,122 from the 2016 FY amount of $92,765,661 predominantly related to a decrease in government and public safety spending.
- Property taxes generated 54.5% or $44,694,826 of Oak Park's revenue stream. Other taxes of $20,870,690 are attributed to the utility, sales, state income and real estate transfer taxes realizing an increase of $145,783 from the 2016 FY.
Oak Park Annual 2019 Report
Net Position
- The total net position of Oak Park in 2019 increased by $9,267,287 or 184% from the starting balance of $5,019,546 in the fiscal year to the ending balance of $14,286,833 primarily due to an increase of capitalized assets.
- The governmental activities net position increased by 4.3% or $3,777,730 to $83,566,186 as liabilities decreased to a greater extent than the decrease in assets.
- According to the 2019 annual report, the business-type activities net position increased by 5.9% or $5,489,557 to $97,853,019 mainly from an increase in capital assets.
Other Activities
- Revenues from governmental activities amounted to $89,587,540, a decrease of $762,563 from 2018.
- Government activity expenditures totaled $86,246,810 which is a decrease of $710,720 from the 2018 FY amount of $86,957,530, "predominately related to increases in economic and community development expenditures and partially offset by lower highway and public safety expenditures."
- Property taxes generated 55.1% or $49,347,556 of Oak Park's revenue stream. Other taxes of $20,107,103 are attributed to the utility, sales, state income and real estate transfer taxes realizing a decrease of $1,959,654 from the 2018 FY.
Evanston 2019 Annual Report
Net Position
- City of Evanston's net position increased by $24,108,172 from the prior fiscal year.
- The governmental activities net position increased by $21,078,962 or 15.8% from 2018.
- Business-type activities net position increased by $3,030,711 or 1.0% from 2018.
Other Activities
- Revenues from governmental activities increased by $6,359,434 or 4.7% from FY 2018. The increase was due to an increase in capital grants and contributions.
- Government activity expenditures "decreased by $25,402,837 or 16.4% principally due to a decrease in public safety-related expenses."
- "The total cost of all city programs decreased by $25,224,678 or 13.4%. This decrease was mainly attributable to a decrease in public safety-related expenses." Total assets of the City increased by $42,881,437 primarily due to an increase in capital assets; while total liabilities went up by $51,144,531 due to bond issuance.
- The business-type activities revenue increased by $6,373,802 or 16.4% mainly because of an increase in service rates. Expenses rose from FY 2018 by $178,159 or 0.5%.