Carbon Footprint: Amazon Order

of one

Carbon Footprint: Amazon Order

The total carbon footprint for the provided Amazon food order has been triangulated. The estimated total grams of CO2 emitted is 1705.775. While one would think there would be a calculator for the whole process, as was explained in the initial research, this was not the case.

The information was organized into a spreadsheet due to the triangulations involved. The spreadsheet may be viewed here.

The Process

  • The actual delivery process figures were located as an average. It is of note that there are many aspects that go into the actual footprint such as how many orders were delivered at once, the distance traveled, and the vehicle used to deliver. On average, a delivery is 181 grams of CO2.
  • Once the delivery average was located each item on the list had to be individually located. Again, there were no calculators for this process which was surprising considering the importance and timeliness of the topic. The items have been presented in a spreadsheet along with the appropriate calculations.
  • The bread calculation is the highest item for CO2. While there are multiple processes involved in making bread, it was noted that the massive amounts of fertilizers account for the majority of the CO2 output. Additionally, these numbers were located in a scientific study that was very exact. This could be another reason the number seems significantly higher, as they analyzed every aspect of the bread making process.
  • The only item that an exact carbon footprint could not be located for was the prepared rice and grains. Rice was substituted in place of prepared rice and grains. This number is most likely lower than prepared rice.
  • The total grams of CO2 emitted for this grocery order is 1705.775.

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