Car Theft Statistics

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Car Theft Statistics

Key Takeaways

  • A lot of car-theft cases are a product of vehicle owners' carelessness and lax attitude towards the security of their vehicles. Vehicle owners often leave their vehicles in a state where it is easily accessible by anyone.
  • High crime rates (murders, rape, robbery, burglary, etc.) are often preceded by vehicle theft. The stolen vehicle is used for perpetrating the crime and fleeing the scene.
  • High rates of poverty and high cases of drug abuse also translate to high vehicle theft rates. The income disparity and drug-induced lack of judgment causes people to turn towards stealing vehicles and a life of crime.
  • The recent COVID-19 pandemic has made vehicle theft rates worse for many cities. Since people were not driving very frequently during the pandemic, they were also less likely to find out if the theft had been committed.


The causes of high vehicle theft rates in the required metropolitan areas and news stories from each area have been provided below. While causes specific to the required metropolitan cities were absent in some cases, logical inferences were drawn based on the crime statistics released by the FBI. The common causes of increased vehicle theft rates were provided in advance before looking specifically at each metropolitan area,

Common Causes of High Vehicle Theft Rates

Causes of High Vehicle Theft Rates

News Stories About Vehicle Thefts

Research Strategy

For this research on car theft statistics, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information available in the public domain, including local news sources, FBI crime statistics, results of studies and surveys conducted by investigation agencies, and articles by reputed analysts. Care was taken to provide data relevant to vehicle theft and its causes in the requested metropolitan areas. News stories related to vehicle theft for each city were procured via local news websites. News stories that mentioned articles stolen from inside the vehicles and cases of vehicle demolition were excluded from this research.

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