Business Benchmarks

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Business Benchmarks

The average revenue per employee in the software industry is $234 thousand. The requested information for the management consulting, software, and consumer products industries, as well as B2B SaaS and B2C consumer products companies, is provided below.

Management Consulting Industry

Revenue per Employee
  • Most information regarding revenue per employee for this industry in the US is only available through paywalled sources such as AnythingResearch and Kentley Insights.
  • The average annual revenue per employee in 2019 for this industry was $176,000 globally.
Gross and Net Margins
  • According to the latest data provided by ReadyRatios, the industry reported a median gross margin of 30.6% and a median net margin of 0.1% in 2018.
Customer Acquisition Costs
  • Information regarding customer acquisition costs for this industry is not publicly available.

Software Industry

Revenue per Employee
  • This industry's revenue per employee has an estimated median of $217,550 and an average of $234,092.
Gross and Net Margins
  • The entertainment software industry has an estimated gross margin of 62.68% and a net margin of 20.30%.
  • The internet software industry has an estimated gross margin of 58.58% and a net margin of -5.60%.
  • The system & application software industry has an estimated gross margin of 72.19% and a net margin of 19.99%.
Customer Acquisition Costs
  • According to the latest data available, the software industry in the US has customer acquisition costs (CAC) of $395.

Consumer Products Industry

Revenue per Employee
Gross and Net Margins
  • The consumer products industry has an estimated average gross margin of 38.34% and a net margin of 0.52%.
Customer Acquisition Costs
  • The consumer products industry has a CAC of $22.

B2B SaaS Companies

Lifetime Value (LTV)
  • Information regarding the LTV of B2B SaaS companies in the US was not publicly available. However, we were able to gather an estimated LTV for software development firms in general, which is $69,915.
Churn Rates
  • Early-stage SaaS companies have churn rates of around 10-15%, small to medium-sized businesses have churn rates of 3-7%, and large enterprises "can expect to see a churn rate as low as 1%."

B2C Consumer Products Companies

Lifetime Value (LTV)
  • Information regarding the general LTV for B2C consumer products companies is not publicly available.
Churn Rates
  • According to the most recent available data, general B2C businesses have churn rates of 7.05%, and the consumer goods industry, in general, has churn rates of 9.62%. There is no publicly available information regarding the churn rates of B2C consumer products companies specifically.

Research Strategy

We were unable to provide the revenue per employee and the customer acquisition costs for the management consulting industry, the LTV of B2B SaaS and B2C consumer products companies, and the churn rates of B2C consumer products companies. For some of these benchmarks, we were able to provide useful information that was within our reach, such as the global revenue per employee for the management consulting industry. For other benchmarks (i.e. customer acquisition costs for the management consulting industry and LTV of B2C consumer products companies), we were unable to provide any information after looking through news outlets, industry reports, and company reports, among other related sources. We also attempted to calculate each benchmark, but there were not enough companies that provided the specific benchmarks for us to come up with an average number.

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