Articles and Podcasts for C-Suite [SEP. 15th]

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Articles and Podcasts for C-Suite [SEP. 15th]

Key Takeaways

  • At U.S. Steel the CEO employs a Stoic mindset, “amor fati,” which means “a love of fate.” The mindset refers to embracing the silver lining during tough situations.
  • In a Morning Consult survey featured in the New York Times, 40% of respondents identified that they could not find a job with sufficient flexibility.
  • Women are more likely to face office interruptions than men. During office interruptions, women are likely to be given tasks that are not likely to lead to promotions.


This report provides 3 articles published by reputable sources on interesting topics to be known by the C-Suite such as modern leadership, employee engagement, and business innovations from McKinsey and the New York Times.

Article Title: Leadership Rundown: Building a ‘Best for All’ business with Dave Burritt

  • Source: McKinsey
  • Date: September 7, 2022
  • Summary: In this issue of the Leadership Rundown, McKinsey interviews the President and CEO of U. S. Steel, Dave Burritt. The article reviews the leadership strategies employed by Burritt such as employing the Stoic mindset amor fati." It also uncovers the management strategies employed by the organization in the face of COVID-19, remote work, and Great Resignation.

Article Title: Who Are America’s Missing Workers?

Article Title: So You Wanted to Get Work Done at the Office?

  • Source: New York Times
  • Date: September 11, 2022
  • Summary: The article provides an in-depth outlook on the state of returning to the office after the COVID-19 pandemic. Office work is not peaceful for most workers who often face workplace interruptions. Despite employers seeking their employees to work from the office, multiple surveys have found that workers are more productive when working remotely than when they work from the office.

Research Strategy

To find key articles and podcasts published in the last two weeks on interesting topics to keep the C-suite informed of important trends and provocative ideas, we leveraged reputable sources in the public domain including McKinsey and the New York Times.

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