Articles and Podcasts for C-Suite [JUL. 7th]

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Articles and Podcasts for C-Suite [JUL. 7th]

Key Takeaways


This report provides three key articles on interesting topics to keep the C-suite informed of important trends and provocative ideas that may change the way an organization behaves. Further details on the logic used behind this research can be found in the Research Strategy section.

The Need for C-Suite Leaders to Cultivate a Developer Mindset

  • Article published by Enterprise Talk on July 6, 2022.

What the C-Suite and Board Should Know About the New CCO Certification Requirement from DOJ

  • Article published by JD Supra on June 29, 2022.
  • Lisa Monaco, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco recently presented a new policy that mandates chief compliance officers (CCOs) to "certify that compliance programs have been reasonably designed to prevent anti-corruption violations." This policy ensures that CCos are aware of potential company violations and are equipped to prevent financial crime.
  • This policy has raised concerns over the potential of increased CCO liability. The C-suite and board need to consider where this policy will lead and how they can best prepare for it.

The Office as a Private Club

Research Strategy

To find key articles and podcasts published in the last two weeks on interesting topics to keep the C-suite informed of important trends and provocative ideas, we leveraged reputable sources in the public domain including Enterprise Talk, Forbes and Apple Podcasts.

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