Articles and Podcasts for C-Suite [APR. 7th]

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Articles and Podcasts for C-Suite [APR. 7th]

Key Takeaways:

  • Despite making significant improvements in digital transformation, companies remain challenged when it comes to retaining their customers. This is usually caused by a lack of the human element.
  • While offering internal promotions, increased compensation, flexible work schedules, and easier remote work are good talent retention strategies, HBR states that "on-the-job professional development" is the perfect solution.
  • Organizations need to do the following to create the human-focused experiences that employees are craving: "personalize relationships and avoid transactions," "prioritize social interactions," "create sustainable working models," and allow employees to grow.


  • This report provides and summarizes six articles on the specified topics that were published in the past two weeks. None of the articles found were published in the past two weeks by reputable sources of the level that was specified. Below is an overview of the findings.

Selected Findings

3 Ways to Boost Retention Through Professional Development

  • Article published by Harvard Business Review on April 5, 2022.
  • With employees quitting their jobs and companies not being able to fill the empty positions, recruiting and retaining employees has become a top priority for leaders in 2022. While offering internal promotions, increased compensation, flexible work schedules, and easier remote work are good talent retention strategies, the HBR article states that "on-the-job professional development" is the perfect solution.
  • The article quoted the "2022 LinkedIn Global Talent Trends Report" that established that employees considered professional development as the key strategy for improving company culture. Also, a report published by the Execu|Search Group found that 86% of employees would be willing to shift to a company with more professional development opportunities

Money Can’t Buy Your Employees’ Loyalty

  • According to the article, the old ways of employee engagement are no longer adequate and leaders must adopt holistic employee experiences in the current working world. Organizations must go beyond managing employee engagement and job satisfaction by evolving their paradigm by offering experiences that prioritize growth, well-being, and engagement in equal measure.
  • It states that organizations need to do the following to create the human-focused experiences that employees are craving: "personalize relationships and avoid transactions," "prioritize social interactions," "create sustainable working models," and allow employees to grow.

The 'Great Resignation' Is Your Company’s Culture Wake-Up Call

  • Article published by Forbes on March 25, 2022.
  • According to the article, organization leaders have been debating why employees are resigning with some quoting pay and employment benefits. However, the reason for quitting boils down to leadership. Bad company leaders allow toxic employee culture to grow in their companies, yet it is their responsibility to fix it.
  • Organizations with toxic cultures are not very mindful of the work environment and often put up with misbehavior such as apathy, mind games, and verbal attacks. They also put profits before people and use fear to drive action/performance. Companies can avoid losing employees by evaluating their leadership style and their organization's workplace culture and then finding ways to create an innovative and inclusive culture.

Negotiating the Digital-Ready Organization

  • Article published by Deloitte on March 30, 2022.
  • As per the article, organizations focus on offering employees technology tools and digitizing their workflow and support in the hope of maximizing the productivity of digital teams. However, organizations need to go beyond technology and tools and focus on the ecosystems that shape the outcomes of work.
  • The article identifies the three ecosystems that companies should focus on improving as human ecosystems, place ecosystems, and digital ecosystems. It goes ahead to describe the ecosystems and provide best practices that companies should adopt.

Change Is Hard. Here’s How to Make It Less Painful

  • This article was published by Harvard Business Review on March 25, 2022.
  • According to the article, change is not always taken positively by employees. usually, questions arise regarding the impact of the change on their careers, why the change is happening, and what will be the eventual effect of the change will be. People only embrace and accept change after their mindsets shift from "this change is going to be difficult, costly, and weird to this change could be easy, rewarding, and normal."
  • The article offers approaches that leaders can use to support their employees to shift their mindsets and develop people who accept, adopt, and understand change quite quickly. Leaders should offer support, give employees control, reinforce and clarify priorities, and increase understanding.

Making sense of the human element to drive customer growth

  • This article was published by PWC on April 7, 2022.
  • Despite making significant improvements in digital transformation, companies remain challenged when it comes to retaining their customers. This is usually caused by a lack of the human element. Basically, the human element is the personal or human connection that businesses create and maintain with customers.
  • The article stated that companies should "focus on the human transformation alongside the digital transformation. To prevent losing customers, companies should "create a holistic view of the customer," "provide a personal touch," improve their listening skills, begin with the employee experience, and start slow.

Research Strategy

For this research on articles and podcasts for C-suite, we leveraged the most reputable sources available in the public domain such as Harvard Business Review, McKinsey, Forbes, and the New York Times. We reviewed diverse articles and podcasts published over the last month and selected six articles, which address interesting and challenging subjects related to the topics requested by the client. However, none of the articles found were published in the past two weeks by reputable sources of the level that was specified.

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