Anxiety Reduction for Public Speaking/Presenting

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Anxiety Reduction for Public Speaking/Presenting

Key Takeaways

  • Getting familiar with the venue and the audience always helps to build confidence. One should always get a grasp on the speaking venue in advance.
  • Engaging with the audience is very necessary, as often speakers go on a monotonous path and the audience starts to feel bored — which affects the speaker.
  • One should always believe that the audience is there to listen to them and is their ally, not an enemy. Adopting this mindset reduces the fear and anxiety during public speaking.


Public speaking anxiety is a common fear of speaking in front of a crowd. It manifests in several ways, commonly impairing an individual's confidence and mental conditions. There are several tips/tricks prevalent to counter this anxiety. However, many of them fail to be useful due to being impractical or too complex. Provided henceforth are some practical and easy-to-understand tips/tricks to counter public speaking anxiety. These tips/tricks are valid for beginners and experienced individuals alike; widely recommended by public speaking experts.

Preparing for Public Speaking

Practicing for Public Speaking

Calming Nerves during Public Speaking

Research Strategy

For this research on tips/tricks to reduce public speaking anxiety, we leveraged the most reputable sources of information available in the public domain, including industrial/business information websites (Forbes, HBR,, etc.) and academic sources (articles by educational institutions and expert-compiled guides). The tips found were scouted to be practical, easy to understand, and widely applicable (regardless of public speaking/presenting experience).

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