Activity Directors at US Retirement and Assisted Living Facilities

of one

Activity Directors at US Retirement and Assisted Living Facilities

The names, institutions, and contact information of 20 activity directors at retirement or assisted living facilities have been provided in the attached spreadsheet.

Select Findings

  • Hope Long is the activities director at St. Anne's Retirement Community.
  • Amanda Jones is the activities director at Bethesda Meadow. Her LinkedIn information and her email have been provided in the attached spreadsheet.
  • Lori Nowadly is the activity director at HighPointe on Michigan.

Research Strategy

We have attached a spreadsheet in which the name, facility, and contact information of activity directors is included. When a LinkedIn profile was unavailable but a phone number or email were provided, we have also added the source where we got the information from. This has also been done in cases in which there was additional information provided with the LinkedIn profile. In the case of profiles in which only a LinkedIn contact was provided and no other information was available, the source cell has been marked as N/A.

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