11 tools your team should be aware of

Innovation is hard.

Seeing around corners. Opportunity mapping. Sizing the prize. Planning launches.

EVERY stage of the “innovation pipeline” is equally complex and important to get right.

That's why now more than ever, as new tech and tools enter the scene at breakneck speed, working smarter is setting leading teams and companies apart from the average ones. 

“Working smarter” includes moving quicker and getting more done with less – and tapping solutions that help you do both of those at the same time. 

There's no question:

The future of strategy and innovation is tech-enabled, meaning you can focus on the highest-leverage parts of innovation strategy and your job, not the time- and energy-sucking parts.

To help you keep pace, we’ve rounded up top tools gaining momentum across 11 categories. They'll help you work smarter by accelerating, automating, or otherwise optimizing your strategy and innovation efforts.

Click into the category of interest for descriptions and top tools, or save a copy of the full rundown here.

  1. Predictive Analytics Platforms

  2. Automated Market Research Tools

  3. AI-Powered Product Development Tools

  4. AI-Powered Presentation Tools

  5. AI-Powered Collaboration Platforms

  6. AI-Powered Trend Analysis Tools

  7. AI-Driven Idea Prioritization Tools

  8. AI-Driven Consumer Insights Platforms

  9. AI-Powered Innovation Management Platforms

  10. AI-Driven Competitive Intelligence Tools

  11. Virtual Brainstorming / Whiteboarding Tools

Which are you most excited for – and which are you most skeptical of?

Either way, here’s to taking a more innovative approach to innovation!

PS. What the heck does "tech-enabled" mean and how can you leverage the right tech to work smarter…? We’re digging into this topic as part of Andreessen Horowitz’s NY Tech Week in June – join us live, or register to get the recording! 

PPS. The future of research will also be tech-enabled. Grab some time with us to learn how we’re combining the speed and horsepower of AI with the quality and rigor of human analysts to power strategy and innovation research for the Fortune 500, MBB, and FAANG.